Monday, December 14, 2009

11 Weeks Old!

Today Campbell is 11 weeks old. We decided to take some pictures around the tree since we had our My First Christmas outfit on. She is still a great baby who loves to cuddle. She is really starting to smile allot now. She also does this little hand thing that is so precious. When I am holding her face to face she will take her right arm and wrap it around my upper left arm and latch on to the back of my arm with her little hand. It melts my heart every time, I guess its a mommy thing. We went to the doctor last Thursday for our 2 month check-up. Considering that she got 4shots she did very well. She cried while getting the shots but by the time I was at the checkout desk she had passed out, so I think shes a pretty tough cookie. She slept all day and most of the next, so mommy didn't mind that. Here are her measurements. Her weight 12.7(90% percentile), height 24 inches (95%), head 41cm (90%). Doctor said that she was doing great and she was really impressed with how well she is holding her head up, better than normal. We are going to have our eyes checked on Friday she was worried about some possible cross eyedness. She said that it can be completely normal but she wants it checked just in case, so will keep you posted.

What a cutie.

The best present under the tree.

What a cute little smile.

1 comment:

  1. You're going to have to tell me where you got her outfit! I've been looking for one for Ramsey and haven't seen anything cute yet. Campbell looks adorable!
