Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Ramsey!

We spent a gorgeous Sunday afternoon with our neighbors and good friends, the Hurt family. Their daughter Ramsey turned 2 years old. She and Campbell are only five short days apart and they are super BFF's. Over the past few months Campbell has really come to realize her friends across the street and is always asking to go play with "Amsey" and "Addison". So we had so much fun today at their Sesame Street party, it was a huge hit with the kiddos. Mama Megan is super crafty and they made so many cute things for the party, including the cupcakes and toppers.

Campbell was loving her cupcake.

Bailey enjoyed pulling the birthday girl around the yard in her chariot.

We are definitely going to have to get with it and invest in a swing set. Ramsey has a super awesome one and Campbell had such a blast playing on it, she especially loved to swing. So if anyone is wondering what to get Cami for her birthday a swing set would be the perfect gift. ;)

As I said Megan is super crafty. She and her husband cut out this super cute Elmo and painted it. I tried to get Campbell to stand next to it to take her picture, but all she did was stand and look at it. I don't think she knew what to make of it.

Well of course Miss Bailey had a blast at the party. She loves a good party or any excuse to eat cake, wonder where she gets that from?

And once again her is the famous Elmo. I am quite curious to know what Miss Megan will be doing with this Elmo now that the party is over?
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1 comment:

  1. Wow! LOVE this! Here are my thoughts:
    1. I'm not crafty---wish I was.
    2. You don't need to buy Campbell a swingset because she can come use this one anytime.
    3. LOVED her gift from you guys!
    4. Forgot to give out the party favors--I'll bring the girls' theirs this week...along with your lawn furniture.

    5. Thanks for being such AWESOME neighbors! {especially for having a GIRL 5 days after me--no one can ever top that!}
