Sunday, April 4, 2010

6 Months Old

On March 28th Campbell turned 6 months old. I guess I should start out by filling you in on the biggest change this little girl has encountered this month. Campbell has found her voice, and its not just any voice, but its her screaming voice. Oh my, it is the most awful high pitched noise you have ever heard. She has realized that crying will leave you waiting for awhile, but if you scream right off the bat then mommy gets their a whole lot faster.

She is starting to enjoy eating, I guess that an understatement, she loves it. She's gone from gagging to inhaling it within the last month. We are still doing cereal but we have also has bananas, sweet potato, and her favorite applesauce.

We did have our shots last Friday, along with our flu shot, just in case. She was a bit fussy for a few days but all is back to normal now. She is a perfectly healthy girl with a large head, yes that means she is very smart, I know you were wondering that. Here are her measurements.

Weight 18 5.5 lbs (75%)
Length 27 inches (90%)
Head 46 inches (100%) super smartness

She is rolling over from back to stomach , but she gets stumped after that and starts screaming for help. She sits up with support, but is getting stronger everyday. I am in no hurry for her to reach all these milestones. She loves to laugh and does so all the time. She is in love with her big sister, and just watches her whenever she is around. I have learned after having one child already that your so anxious to see them reach their milestones and then one day you realize they aren't a baby anymore and you wish that you could go back, so she can take her sweet time growing up as far as mommy is concerned. But I have to say the lord has blessed me with a great sleeper, she goes down at 9pm and wakes around 8:30am, thank you Jesus.

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