Wednesday, September 1, 2010

10 and 11 Months Old

We'll what better way to start out this post than to do it with a naked baby picture.  Miss Campbell Avery turned 10 months old on July 28, 2010.  And a very special event happened on that very day, she started to crawl.  It's not just any crawl, no it is a very special crawl that needs a post all to itself.  I like to call it the pirate shuffle, you see, as in the picture above that is what she looks like when she is crawling.  One knee is supporting her and the other is dragged to the side, like a pirate with a wooden leg.  It is how she has done it from day one and it looks as if this is how it will remain.  But it is adorable and hilarious to watch.

On August 28th, 2010 Campbell turned 11 months old.  Its so hard to believe that the next post will be 12 months, craziness.  In this last month Campbell has been very busy, she is crawling, pulling up, cruising, getting new teeth as we speak.  She currently has 4 teeth across the top and 2 on the bottom and now 2 bottom back teeth have come in as well, for a grand total of 8, wow.  She has handled it very well, the worse it waking up a few times a night but she always goes right back to sleep. 

She is eating well, we are trying new things all the time, but we still pretty much stick with baby food.  Some textures seem to throw her off, but she loves yogurt, bread, cheese, mashed potatoes, and many others.  We have also started some milk as well.  We usually have this with our meals in a sippy cup.  We have gone organic in the Melton household, not everything, but allot of our dairy products and things like chicken nuggets and fish.  

We tried taking our normal picture in the crib but that just wasn't happenin.  Miss Campbell was up and about so we just had to go with it.  She is a growing girl at 23 pounds and 31 inches long.  She is wearing 12-18 month clothes right now and I'm not sure how much longer that will last. 

Her she is doing what she does best, pulling up on anything that will stand still.  Her vocabulary has become more pronounced.  She says mama and dada, and we call Bailey sissy, but Campbell says it KiKi, its so cute.  At 10 months she started the whole reaching up her arms when she wants to bed held and now at 11 months that has turned in to bird flappin.  She puts her arms in the air and starts flapping them until you pick her up.

Now, I know that you all can tell from this picture that I desperately need to get my baby some toys to play with, ha, yeah right.  Its pretty sad when your 11 months old  already has her own dedicated section of the living room, which is larger than anyone else's might I add.  But this is usually how you will see Miss Cami these days, the back of her.  She always crawling somewhere or found something that she can go through.  She also loves to pull on cords in the bathroom.  Yes the cord of a curling iron that is, no it wasn't on, thank god, but mommies curling iron no longer has an end, seems they break when they hit tiled surfaces, fyi :)

A few days ago it was beautiful outside so we spent some time there.  You may be wondering how I get anything done outside during the day, well thanks to these handy little inventions I can.  The other morning I put her on the back porch in her bouncy saucer and entertained her with some yard mowing.  I think she was quit impressed with her old lady's skills, maybe she'll take over the family business someday, haha!!

These two pictures were both taken at 10 months.  It's amazing to see how they change in just a year.  Campbell is just a wonderful little girl with an awesome demeanor about her.  She is very laid back and very nosy.  I say that in a good way, she is always checking things out to see whats going on.  She likes to watch a situation before making a move to jump into it, its very neat to watch her.  You can see that she is just taking in so much and just processing everything she can. 

I love this picture.  This has been something we have started in the last week.  She likes for me to raise the blinds and she just looks out the window, more of her being nosy I guess.  But she does it in the front yard  and the back as well.  It just makes you wonder what their little minds are thinking, I may regret saying that in a month or two when the words really start coming out of her mouth, ha!!

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