Thursday, September 1, 2011

Miss Campbell Avery

I wanted to give a little update on Campbell. Since I have started working I have fallen off the blogger bandwagon. I do keep up with the girls thru scrapbooks and journals. I am one of those people who likes to have a tangible item in their hands and I want to have something that I know my girls will have 20 years from now. We have a great time pulling out our scrapbooks and looking at pictures and pages of all that we have done. So please know that I am documenting their lives in many ways.

We took these pictures of Cami on Baileys first day of first grade. This is in front of our sitters house, Miss Whitney, who Campbell loves. She will be 2 years old in only 28 short days and I plan to give a full update at that time. She is running, laughing, and talking up a storm these days. She has discovered how to dance and twirl and it is the cutest thing ever.

She loves giving hugs and kisses. She will come up to you out of nowhere and say, "I give you hug mama!" My heart just about melts. She wraps those little arms around my neck and it takes my breath away. She loves to watch the movie Tangled, that is her very latest thing. I don't know what it is about that movie but she will sit and watch the whole thing. She is just so fun to be around, Tim calls her his stress relief. She is such a laid back little girl who doesn't have a care in the world, she is truly amazing!

Our beautiful girl!

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