Tuesday, July 6, 2010

9 Months Old

On June 28, 2010 Campbell turned 9 months old. Her personality is definitely starting to shine thru as you can see from these pictures. We did our usual photo session, which lately when I pull out the camera she starts hamming it up, but not on this day. First of all she was not going to wear the bow and headband that I had put on her. From the moment it was on she was pulling and tugging to get it off as you can see in the picture below.

We were wearing our festive 4th of July shirt because it was only a few short days away. She has somewhat of a split personality, she will be happy one minute and then crying the next, that's why you can see tears in her eyes even though she is smiling. But she is a great girl, don't get me wrong, I don't think there is anything wrong with her, its just hilarious to me actually.

We went for our 9 month check-up and her are her stats.

Weight 21 lbs 10.5 oz's (90th percentile)

Length 30 inches (97th percentile)

Head 47.4 cm (97th percentile)

As you can see she is a big girl and growing just like her sister. I remember at Bailey's one year appointment they told me if she continues to grow at this rate she would probably be around 5 ft 10 inches one day, and I still believe it.

Surprisingly Campbell is not much of an eater. She is eating well but she is very picky and doesn't like to take the time to sit and eat. She is not crawling yet but is getting very close. She has started going from laying down to a seated position. She is also working on perfecting her scream, it is the most awful high pitch scream you have ever heard, and it is even more delightful when we are out in public and she shares it with strangers. But honestly I am thanking the heavens that that is the only thing that I have to complain about. She is sleeping great waking up once a night and going right back to sleep after a feeding. She usually takes 3 naps a day which usually last 1-2 hours. She loves playing with toys and looking at books, her favorite video is Baby Einstein A Day At The Farm. She loves to laugh and has a super contagious giggle. The most amazing thing that has happened in this past month is that she said her first words, yes I said words. The first was mama, and she looks at me when she says this and it just melts my heart. Bailey's first word was dada, so I'm so thankful the good Lord cute me a break this time. But the cutest is bye bye, it sounds like bah bah when she says it, but she has said it to Tim's mom and my folks as well when they were leaving and said it to her. She puts her hand up and says bah bah, precious.
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