We went to Branson this week and had a really great time. We only stayed 3 days but when your preggers and it's 100 degrees outside, that's enough. So we did alot of things that Bailey and Tim could do together, bonding time. And I of course got my outlet mall shopping in, which Tim is always very good about. We also celebrated our 8 year anniversary on the 7th, and Mr. Melton surprised me with a ring. I have always wanted a ring with Baileys birthstone, blue topaz, and that is what he got me. I would show a picture but it is being sized right now, but it was so sweet and I was very surprised. We pretty much took it easy we stayed at the Chateau on The Lake. Its a beautiful hotel that we have stayed at many times its right on the lake. Baileys favorite part of the trip was the hotel pool and jungle gym. So here some pics from our first day at the landing. Bailey made a kitty cat at build a bear something she has always wanted to do. 

I thought this was so cute, this is Sunday morning before we left.
This is the same boat I took her picture in last year, so we had to make it a tradition.
Bailey in the ice cream truck, she is such a poser.
This is at the hotel she is holding Miss Kitty that she made at build a bear.
It looks like you guys had a great time! I hope that you are doing well. Give me a call when you have a chance...